

Jatiluwih is a village where located in the northern Tabanan, precisely located in Batukaru mountains area, maybe should take 30-40 minutes from Tabanan's government. after a long proccess finally Jatiluwih become one of the world's cultural heritage which recognized by UNESCO, feels proud to be one Jatiluwih population. It is because Jatiluwih because of the wide terraces land which is still cultivated as well as Subak system, and this village is still one of the red rice producers. Along with the development time, Jatiluwih already known by foreign nations, more and more guests from Abroad particularly European visit to this place, the atmosphere is cozy, quiet and cool, coupled with tidy expanse of paddy fields and mountains and pristine springs from nature. This place is suitable for those who want to cool off, yoga and traveling as well as tracking. here some view of my village :)

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