
Sep 5, 2010

Beat Kuwagattan Patapon 2 @ Ground Zero

Patapon 2 is more live, more exciting and more colorfull than previous version. It's advance from Patapon 1. The enemies are more powerfull, so the Patapon team should be more powerfull too by upgrade it everytime when you got new composition to upgrade it.

When the mission at Ground Zero, it's annoying, really hard, and their Boss are very powerfull. I can't beat it. The boss are accompanied by Mushroom Monster which it can throw a rock and make sleeping smoke. It make me despair, so I devided to browsing how to beat Kuwagattan at Ground Zero. Patapon should have charged energy (Pon Pon Chaka Chaka), go forward until Kuwagattan retreat and also The Black Star warning Kuwagattan to retreat.

Here a step how to beat Kuwagattan, I play it 24:01 minutes.
  • Use Fever Mode, upgrade all team, use Rarepon with a minimum level 2 or 3. I used Tatepon, Yuripon and Yumipon, and also Yuripon Hero.
  • Kuwagattan will attack when he said "Prepare your self", in this step he will attack 3 times, we can use Defense Song (Chaka Chaka Pata Pon) 3 times. Then, Kuwagattan will step back, so we have a longer time to charge our energy by using Pon Pon Pata Pata 1 time. Than attack by using Pon Pon Pata Pon, repeat it until the Mushroom dead. Before it, we should kill all Kuwagattan troops and drink all refund energy drinks where it's come from th Mushroom.
  • When the Mushroom lose, there's still Kuwagattan and Black Star. Attack like previous way, than a moments later Kuwagattan will said : "You more stronger than unusual" and the Black Star will tell Kuwagattan to retreat.
  • Kuwagattan will persist until our troops lose, at this moment maintain 1 Tatepon (minimum) to cover the Gonfalonier. When Kuwagattan attack, use Pon Pata Pon Pata (retreat song) so Kuwagattan can't attack us. Use it 3 times. When Kuwagattan step back, use Pon Pon Pata Pata, and Pon Pon Pata Pon. Until Kuwagattan dead and we are win (go to next adventure).
Good Luck, let's we continue our adventure...

1 comment:

  1. lol nice grammar but thanks for the guide, i failed miserably because he one shotted like 8 patapons because i fucked up once
